
Navigatetotheissueyouwanttocontainyournewtasklist.Youcanalsocreateanewissue.·Atthebottomoftheissuedescription,clickAddtasklist.,Atasklistisasetoftasksthateachrenderonaseparatelinewithaclickablecheckbox.Youcanselectordeselectthecheckboxestomarkthetasksas ...,To-Dolistsaretoolsformanagingtasksandorganizingactivities.Theyhelpindividualsandteamskeeptrackoftasksthatneedtobecompleted, ...,Acleanandu...

Creating a tasklist

Navigate to the issue you want to contain your new tasklist. You can also create a new issue. · At the bottom of the issue description, click Add tasklist.

About task lists

A task list is a set of tasks that each render on a separate line with a clickable checkbox. You can select or deselect the checkboxes to mark the tasks as ...


To-Do lists are tools for managing tasks and organizing activities. They help individuals and teams keep track of tasks that need to be completed, ...


A clean and user-friendly Todo web app built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Stay organized and manage your tasks effortlessly with its intuitive design and two ...


To-Do lists are tools for managing tasks and organizing activities. They help individuals and teams keep track of tasks that need to be completed, ...

The To-Do List app is a user

The To-Do List app is a user-friendly task management tool that keeps you organized and productive. Easily add, update, and delete tasks, and stay on top of ...


A website which permits users to manage their todo list by creating, removing, updating and deleting a new task. You can mark a task as complete.


A feature-rich todo list website built with HTML, CSS, and JS, providing a user-friendly interface to manage tasks, set reminders, and track progress ...


A to do List application that allows users to create and manage their tasks. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to add, edit, delete, and ...


To Do List is a single page web app that lets users manage a simple list of tasks. Users can add and remove tasks from the list. It was coded using standard ...